Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Poms big gamblers at work, costing employers millions

Well now. It has once again been proven that us Poms are all a bunch of gamblers who are costing our employers hundreds of millions of pounds.

No secret there, I reckon. It’s because our jobs are so pissin’ boring that we need some alternative stimulation, yea? And it’s not like we’re surfing kiddie porn or auctioning off the company’s stationary on eBay, or anything.

But all they see is the £300m each year in lost productivity.

Look at the bigger picture, lads!

It’s just a wee bit of online entertainment, really. And maybe if we win a couple of pounds every now and then we wouldn’t piss and moan about our sad excuse for a salary so much.

Researchers claim 30% of office workers nationally had either placed a bet online or knew someone who had.

The survey, commissioned by consultancy firm Morse, suggested those who gambled on the internet at work were likely to spend 13 hours a year doing so.

The survey said 38% of the men questioned admitted to gambling online, compared to 21% of women.

Bets were most often placed on the National Lottery, followed by football matches, horse races and online poker games.


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