Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine’s Day Sucks If You’re single.

So I looked for reasons why it's great to be single.

It doesn’t quite make up for the lack of flowers and chocolates, but it made me feel a little bit better. Downing lots of shots later tonight should make up for the rest…

1. I don't have to fight for remote control ownership.
2. I don't have to wash smelly socks and skiddy underwear. (not that I did that anyway)
3. There are no pairs of shoes left in the middle of the floor to trip over at six in the morning.
4. I can lie in the bath for as long as we want.
5. I don't have to fake an orgasm.
6. I don't have to shave
7. I don't have anyone saying 'you're not going to wear that, are you?'
8. I don't have to suffer his cooked meals and then spend an hour trying to get the burnt, congealed mess of the bottom of our saucepans.
9. If I want to do something, I just do it!
10. I enjoy sleeping in my double bed and having it all to myself.
11. I can be moody without anyone trying to find out if something's wrong! If I don't want to talk - I just won't!
12. I have FREEDOM to choose.
13. I love waking up and not hearing the sound of snoring.
14. I love going out and not having to say where I've been or what I've been doing and what time I should be back.
15. I love going shopping and not having to hide what I've bought in the wardrobe and pretend I've had it ages.
16. I control what I spend and where I spend it.
17. I can say what I really think.
18. I can have my friends over to drink wine and behave outrageously WHENEVER I want (because he never liked those friends anyway!).
19. I don't have to worry about what sort of food to buy, I can eat whatever, whenever I choose.
20. I'm not made to feel like an idiot for sitting on the Internet - I can surf to my hearts content.
21. I can spend all night on the phone without having to justify it.
22. I go to bed when I please.
23. I can make a mess, and never tidy it up.
24. I can drink wine out of a mug.
25. I can do a smelly fart without being told it's 'unladylike'.

Source: iVillage

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